While 2K Games have changed the shooting meter in NBA 2K22, they've not modified the methods players can shoot within the game. There are two ways that players can use to 2K22 MT aim the ball. You can do it via The Pro Stick (right joystick) or via a singular button.
If you're playing PlayStation you'll use the Square button to shoot, while Xbox players will use the X button, and each console is also expected to utilize The Right Joystick, or better called the Pro Stick. The primary difference between the two shooting mechanics is the degree of accuracy each is. In the case of the Pro Stick, it's more accurate. Pro Stick is going to provide more flexibility in comparison to Button shooting. It's capable of allowing players to be more exact in making those perfect shots.
If you're a new player and want to try Button shooting for the first time to give you greater chances of success when compared to Pro Stick shooting, but experienced players in 2K series 2K series should use the Pro Stick method instead. The brand new shot meter in NBA 2K22 was added to measure the quality of your shots during a match. Meaning, you won't have a large meter to get an ideal shot if you have two players on your side past the three-point line, instead of a wide-open mid-range shot.
2K will encourage you to be more savvy when you are preparing for the shot instead of using your natural shooting abilities to get you to the finish line. So while the shot meter will look a little similar to previous times, the gauge is going to directly change based on the aforementioned quality of the shot.
Badges are basically the extras the player is equipped with while playing NBA 2K22; and the way you construct your MyPlayer build will determine how many shooting badges are available to choose from. There are a variety of options available, and some are going to greatly benefit shooting in NBA 2K22 and we're going to review some of the top ones below. All of them will boost the effectiveness of shooting in certain aspects and allow players to Buy NBA 2K Coins get better shooting metrics from certain parts in the courts.