Do's always provide RS Gold when requested You always receive your food in gd and obviously they take more damage(proved in end at gd, keyer always has "meat-shield prize") This can even mean giving the last of your food eating food in a horde and not sharing it is an absolute shame.
If you don't have the money to buy cosmics or tools Why not later buy as soon as u get money. If most of your team members aren't in attendance for prayer, you can create an altar. Gate without being asked to gate! It's an enormous help and it pays off in large amounts. Keep your key on key inventory. Whenever possible, tell the gate you are using. Always mention what doors you found that are not openable If you spot a gd instantly do it.
If you are asked to do something, ensure you do it. Keyer asked u to ggs to him for a door to open when you are in a Gd? Well, ggs. Because opening the door takes longer than what gds accomplish. Do not forget to lock your first place. Always pay attention to the key. This is something I can't over emphasize enough. Do you have any additional suggestions?
It's a mixture of steels and irons, i dont know the source of the drop. what dragon. I think its something like 110 steels and 100 irons. I took about 5 hours, two trips, 6k runes and the spellfire wave. (83 magical at the time.) Subscribe to receive more logs. I am open to receiving requests for logs. PM me in this thread if you are interested. Although i may not be the best player, i do hope to help. (You can also add me in the game "Tnx Buddy", just let me know why you chose me.
If Andrew is interested in creating T-shirts, (he has a good grasp of Photoshop and graphic design, and is an "artsy" person) If you're willing to be willing to pay a small amount I'm just curious who would be interested in a T-shirt.
Yes, I realize that some of you may not be interested. I'm wearing it to be a bit of a attraction. Andrew isn't aware that I signed for him. This is, in essence, a test. This is more of an "what's the matter with this; are they any good?" It's a sort of "what's the matter with this? Are they worth it?" thread, I think. This thread should have been organized better before I started it. Well, it's okay!
Although I am not certain whether this should go in the questions section, it is meant to spark discussion so I will put it up here. Shops are almost non-existent since the introduction GE. Some shops offer some value, particularly those that sell unusual products that don't stop with the GE; or those who offer bulk-priced items at a cheap price like feathers, runes, or other exotic products.
There are stores that offer exclusive or rare items, like Faruq's tools or Faruq's clothes store. The majority of shops aren't used and are therefore unused. There is no way to offer gems to the trader or jewellery to the jewellery owner today, or visit taverly to buy a mithril 2h sword.
Which updates would you Old School RS Gold to improve the functionality of stores? How will your suggestion improve their usefulness, and what do you think of other suggestions in this thread? A suggestion: I think clothing shops would do well if they all were run the same manner as Thessalia's. All no-stat clothing could be made standard. This could increase the number of the number of people who visit these shops since default clothes are admired and appreciated by the majority of people of the customers, while clothing on top get in the way of armour or other more important items.